The Diaper Bag Confessions

I ate a cow and I liked it..

So– not a cow in the sense that you all might be thinking. A small, bite sized cow. It was pink, tasted like strawberries and was organic. Yes.. that’s right. An organic pink cow that tastes like strawberries. You did, indeed, read that correctly.

What I am talking about are the new fruit snacks from Stonyfield Farm. Yes, the company that typically makes yogurt. As a Stonyfield Ambassador, Stonyfield was kind enough to send us this new addition to the Stonyfield line up as soon as they hit the market, and they did not disappoint.

We have been a fruit snack free home for a long while.. much to my children’s disdain. They go to a school where the only option is to bring a lunch from home. We try to make it as healthy of a lunch as we can, and I’m sorry kids, but traditional fruit snacks just don’t fall into that category. Until now — and they are thrilled.

The fact that they are organic makes me so happy. (So happy, in fact, I even let the toddler eat them.. fear not, he is older than he appears..) With as many processed, genetically modified, who-knows-what foods targeted at kids now days.. I love that Stonyfield has taken a step to give kids what they want, at the same time as giving moms what we want. These fruit snacks are made with real fruits and vegetables. They have no artificial ingredients or preservatives. They also contain 100% DV of vitamin C!  

Obviously, I couldn’t just let the children eat these. If I were going to give you a true review, I would have to eat them too.. right? Yeah.. apparently I needed to review them a lot. I’m pretty sure over the course of the last two weeks, I lost track of how many “test” packs I “had” to consume. This usually resulted in my kids saying something like “MOM! These are our fruit snacks!” Goodness. Don’t they understand mommy is “working”??

For more information on the new Stonyfield Organic Fruit Snacks, visit here.


Note: This product was provided by Stonyfield for review. All Opinions expressed are my own.

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