
The unexpected..

I don’t typically write emotionally driven blog posts. That’s not really my thing and I hate that people always feel the need to compare their traumatic story to others. No story, no experience, can be compared to another’s. I am sharing this story hesitantly for two reasons. First, I need to talk about it. Keeping my emotions bottled up are stressing me out more than anything. Second, my general audience here is women in the child-bearing stage of their life. If this story can help one of them, or give them a place to feel like they aren’t alone, then this post is worth it.

Last week my husband and I announced to our friends and family that we are expecting baby #4. Originally, our plan was to wait to tell anyone. I knew that being #4, I wouldn’t be able to hide it for long.. But we were thinking at least until we hit the second trimester.

Those plans were altered two weeks ago when we had a scary episode related to the pregnancy. We awoke from sleep on a Friday night to what we were sure could only be a sign if miscarriage. I was told to spend that weekend in bed. We had to cancel on family events, and do so without a reason as no one knew at that point that we were expecting. That Monday I saw my doctor and a gorgeous beating heart. The relief I felt in that moment cannot even be put into words. I knew then that we should tell people.

Fast forward to this weekend. This time a Thursday evening. We had a repeat of that dreaded weekend two weeks prior. I was thankful that my doctor was the on-call. She has a way of making stressful situations much less stressful, and she genuinely cares about me. I was told to sleep and make an appointment to go in first thing in the morning.

Once again, I feared the worst. My “sleep” turned into staring blankly at the walls.. praying more than I’ve ever prayed. I walked into the clinic and chatted with the receptionist. My doctor was off that day, but had apparently been calling all morning to make sure I got in and all was well.

As soon as the other doctor came in the room, he turned on the ultrasound machine and we immediately saw that reassuring, fast-flickering heartbeat. Then the ultrasound machine randomly shut itself off. The doctor turned to me and said “I can tell you right now, baby is good! So let’s all breathe for a moment.”

He got the machine turned back on and once again focused on the baby. Beautiful heart beat. Little arms and legs waving all over. A completely healthy and closed cervix. All looked good. Then the ton of bricks.

Sitting inside my uterus, above the gestational sac, was a blood clot. (A chorionic/subchorionic hematoma) Not a tiny blood clot, either. We’re talking about something nearly equal in size to the gestational sac itself. The doctor seemed surprised by the size. “Its big. I’ve seen bigger, but this is big!” This black mass is the cause of my frightening episodes and will likely cause more.


To say I’m scared is an understatement. I’ve been put on modified rest. No lifting. No exercise. Nothing strenuous and no standing for extended periods of time. So far this has meant that my children get rule of the house and my poor husband gets ALL household duties in addition to his full-time job.

I thought that by baby #4, pregnancy would be easy. I’d experienced gallstones. I’d had placenta previa. This, however, took me by complete surprise. The fear I have right now has reaffirmed the bond I’ve always had for my babies. Long before they’re born.

I am determined to do everything in my power to eliminate this clot without it effecting my pregnancy. For now, that means I’m spending a lot of time on the couch and filling the air with prayers. Hopefully when we check it again in 2 weeks, things will be progressing in the right direction.

This also means my blog will be taking a back seat to all else. I’ll post when I’m able, but I’m choosing not to fill my life with stressful deadlines right now. I hope that you understand. When this is all resolved, I promise you many new, up-and-coming baby products to be featured! I’m going need to start baby shopping soon!

Thank you for your thoughts and your understanding.


Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure DVD Review


My older boys are constantly asking when I’ll get to review “big kid” products for the blog. Most of my reviews are aimed at babies or toddlers. So when i got the opportunity to review Lionsgate’s Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure, I knew they would be excited! (I was right!)

Family movie night is a regular occurrence in our house. We enjoy choosing a movie, ordering pizza and having relaxing time as a family. A way of connecting together without arguing or fighting over toys. The movie arrived on our doorstep after a stressful week, so it was the perfect way to wind down.

Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure returns us to the story of Kate and Humphrey, the wolves from the original Alpha and Omega movie. Their family has grown to include 3 adorable wolf pups (Stinky, Runt and Claudette) and they are about to celebrate their first winter holidays as a family. While preparing for the holiday celebrations, one of their pups (Runt) disappears. The family embarks on a fun, action-filled adventure in hopes of reuniting together for their celebrations. After some twists and turns, Kate and Humphrey come to realize what matters most: “Home is where the family is.”

My kids LOVED this movie. They tend to love all holiday themed movies, and especially loved that we allowed them to watch a Christmas movie prior to Halloween, but even besides that, the movie captivated them. Even my two-year-old sat and watched. If you know my toddler, you know that is an amazing success. When the movie was over, my four-year-old was already asking to watch it again! In fact, he has watched it every day for the last 3 days!

If you enjoy holiday movies and have kids, I highly recommend getting Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure. I hope your family enjoys it as much as mine did!

Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure is available exclusively at Walmart locations nationwide for the suggested retail price of $19.98 (DVD) and $24.99 (Blu-Ray). You can find coupons here:

Disclaimer: This movie was provided to me by Lionsgate and Entertainment New Media Network. I was not paid for this review and the opinions expressed are my own.


Let’s get Sili.. Squeeze, that is.

This past Sunday I helped man the gDiaper’s booth at the Northwest Biggest Baby Shower at the Portland Convention Center. After doing my shift and showing people the diapers that I love ever-so-much, (That is a post to come..) My husband and older kids arrived and we decided to walk around the booths.

Overall, I was disappointed in the show as a whole. Not many vendors, not a good representation of baby GEAR, however, there was one thing that jumped out at me like a kid on trampoline. Sili Squeeze.

All three of my children love the Plum Organics squeezable pouches. They love all the Plum Organics foods, but most of all, the squeezable pouches. We freeze them and send them in our oldest son’s lunch box, we throw a handful into the diaper bag for when we are on the go with the younger two, and we keep a stash of them on our kitchen counter for times when they just want a snack. Deep down, though, I am a homemade baby food mama.

It started when my oldest was an infant and allergic to nearly everything. Processed, jarred baby food was an allergy risk for him, and honestly, just smelled disgusting. As I sat and made his food, there was something so much better about it. WE would eat it. Bananas tasted like bananas and didn’t have an odor that instantly triggered a gag reflex. From then forward, all of our kids ate REAL food, made by me. Until I realized how inconvenient it was with three kids, one jaunting back and forth to school. That’s where we found the Plum Pouches and loved the convenience of good options made easy.

Enter Sili Squeeze. I can put any smooth food I want to in it and take it to go. It’s a pouch, just as convenient as the Plum pouches we came to love, but I can fill it with the food I make, or foods that they love that maybe taste a bit better than the pouches. Let’s face it, the Greek Yogurt pouches do NOT taste good. I can’t even get the baby to like those.

I filled the Sili Squeeze up with Vanilla Bean yogurt this morning and my two youngest kids downed it. My middle son had been begging us since we bought the two Sili Squeeze’s yesterday “Can you wash that so I can use it, please?” He was so excited. We bought one of each of their two styles. One has a valve of sorts that prevents it from free flowing. My baby was flinging it from side to side and we didn’t have yogurt flying everywhere. We got the “squeeze with eeeze” for our older boys, as it’s more free flowing and they (should) know better than to fling it all over the place.

I am very pleased to say that this is one product that I’m excited for. It’s safe, it’s fun, it’s whatever you want it to be. It’s also freezable, which means I can still send them in my oldest son’s lunches and know that it will arrive there cold at lunch time. It has a nice, strong lid, so I won’t worry when I throw it in the diaper bag, either. A big plus, I have to say, is that it is very easy to clean. There weren’t a million pieces. I wish sippy cups were this easy. I can’t wait to buy more!

Note: this product was NOT provided to me. I bought it and I loved it, so I am showing it to all of you in hopes that you love it to.


Let’s take a stroll..

Everyone has been asking. Now I’m giving you all an answer. How do you juggle three children while out and about? The answer? A good, durable stroller is a must.

My children are six, three and my youngest just turned 10 months. My six-year-old is plenty capable of walking, so I knew that I needed a solution for only two of my children. My first thought wandered to “Have you seen how big tandem strollers are?!?” then accompanied by “Or how WIDE a side-by-side is??” I set out for a better solution.

With my middle son being two-and-a-half when our youngest was born we knew we needed a double stroller, so foregoing it wasn’t a viable option.. But realistically, how long would he need to be in it? My research brought me the perfect solution. The modular stroller.

After much comparing and negotiating our options we ended up with two very similar, yet VERY different, modular strollers. The Britax B-Ready and the Baby Jogger City Select. If you were to ask me if I had a favorite, I’d tell you, honestly, “It depends on the day. Where I’m going. What I’m doing.”

Let’s start with the Baby Jogger City Select. This stroller has so many pluses. The biggest positive is that both seats are identical in size and weight limit. This IS a big deal. The second seat is also not restricted to one feet-in-basket position.

Naturally, with two seats attached, it is a little heavy, but nothing compared to the tandem I had before! The seats are easy to get on and off, and the stroller handles well with both one and two seats installed. We used it most with the bassinet attachment and second seat when our youngest was super tiny. The bassinet is a great addition to get for newborns!

The other bonus? Baby Jogger sells a glider board that can attach to the stroller even when the second seat is attached. Three kids on one stroller that is no longer than a standard travel system? Score!
Now, The Britax B-Ready. While not as flexible in seat position or weight limits, this stroller doesn’t feel limiting. The basket is huge and very accessible from multiple sides. This makes getting things in and out a breeze, even with a kick-happy toddler in the second seat. It is also very easy to use with a Britax infant car seat.

While heavier than the City Select, it’s not a bad kind of heavy. It’s sturdy. It FEELS sturdy. The control of the stroller is amazing, especially in the mall. Tight spaces are easy to maneuver in.

It’s added bonuses? It’s fabrics are very nice. True to the Britax brand. It also has an organizer that hooks to the basket when only one seat is in use. Very handy! Lastly, my husband’s favorite bonus, it comes standard with a cup holder! That’s right, moms, you won’t have to juggle steering and carrying your iced Starbucks. (Baby Jogger also makes a cup holder, but it must be purchased separately.)

So, there you have it. Both worth the investment. Both worthy of purchase depending on your wants and needs. Now that my baby is almost one and my middle son is almost three-and-a-half, they both still get use — but I have my sights set on the Orbit G2 stroller with two side-kick boards for the older two. Should my husband amuse my desire… You may see a post about that one in use, also. 🙂