I’ve seen the looks.. Me, pregnant, out and about with my 3 children and no ring on my hand. You’d think that this wouldn’t be an issue today, but it is. They look. They assume. People that find out my children and I don’t share a last name make the assumption even more. The truth is, I’m a very happily married woman.. I simply do not wear a ring. I also never changed my name.
I had a ring. Two, actually. Then this crazy thing happened and I continued to lose a large amount of weight. My finger dropped 3.5 ring sizes. Not in one fast chunk, either. When we purchased my wedding ring, we were told that because of the process to enlarge it, it could not be shrunk down. So, it sits. Unworn.
I’ve just never felt the need to replace it. I know I’m happily married, my husband knows we’re happily married and a gold band on my finger wouldn’t reaffirm that fact. Besides, there are so many other things I would prefer to spend that much money on.
However, when people see the lack of ring, you can see the thoughts – “Oh, the young pregnant mom without a ring.. How sad for her.” I can only imagine their thoughts when they see my husband and I out together.. Him with a ring, me without. I don’t even have a ring indentation any longer.
But this is not about my weight loss or my wedding ring. It’s about judgmental people and assumptions. I don’t understand why we as people feel entitled to judge others based simply on what we see on the outside or what we think we know of them.
What you see or think you know is likely not enough to base any sort of judgement off of. The assumptions need to stop. Are you entitled to your opinion? Well, of course you are. We all have opinions. However, when your opinion is based off of false information that you’ve assumed on your own merely by what you’ve seen alone.. Your opinion no longer matters, even if you are entitled to have it.
Would you trust my opinion on a piece of baby gear I’ve never used? “Well, I saw it and it looks nice.. therefore it must be fabulous!” No. You want my opinions on products I’ve actually touched, handled, used. Products I’ve gotten to know.
If you wouldn’t buy a car without test driving it first, what makes you think you can properly judge a person, far more complex than a vehicle, simply by their outwardly appearance? You can’t. We should stop assuming we can.
If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I love to shop. If this is the first time you’ve come to my blog, now you know. Shopping is my pleasure.. Something I’m very good at. (Much to my husband’s dismay..)
When it comes to my children, that is where the bulk of my shopping expertise is put to use. There are a million and one products on the market that all do the same thing.. All at different prices.. All of different quality. Especially for babies.
You must consider a few things when shopping for baby products.
1. Price-point – Are you on a strict budget, or is your budget more flexible?
2. Form or Function – Where does your priority lie? Do you simply want something that does the job, or something you don’t mind being a long-term piece of furniture in your home?
3. High or Low Tech – Are you a gadget lover or do you prefer less complicated gear? Or perhaps you don’t care one way or the other?
4. Brands – Are labels important to you, or do you not care who made it, so long as it works?
Once you’ve answered all of these questions, most shopping comes easy. You’ve figured out which brands are common, which brands are expensive, you can see which products have bells and whistles.. and you can obviously see which products will look like a toy store exploded in your house versus a magazine-esque photo shoot.
Now that you’ve decided on these criteria for yourself and your budget, it’s time to build your registry. Registries are good for more than just telling Baby Shower attendees what you desire. They are a good way for you to keep track of the products you need and want for baby even if purchased on your own. You’ll have a list of what still needs purchased, what has already been purchased and can see in front of you what it all will cost. If you know you will be thrown a baby shower, I would include items of all sizes and a variety of price ranges to easily accommodate your attendees preferences and budgets.
With my oldest, the only registry options were going into a store with the registry scanner and manually scanning each desired item. I thought that was fun at the time and my husband loved the scanner. Since then, I’ve learned. Online registries are so much better! When you create online registries, you have a larger array of items to choose from, you can compare products easier, there is a wider selection of premium brands that often aren’t carried in big box stores, and you can keep track of what is discontinued or out of stock.
My favorite online registry? Diapers.com – I’m on baby number 4 and the first thing I did for him was start my registry. Not for a baby shower per say, (…he is baby number 4..) but as my own shopping list and a place to send people when they ask. Why Diapers.com? First, they have such a wide variety of products, they accommodate nearly all of my very particular tastes of baby gear. Second, once you reach $500 in purchases from your registry, you earn credits. When you’re buying large furniture, car seats and strollers.. The numbers can quickly add up and the credits pay off! Lastly, my favorite part of a Diapers.com registry.. FREE 1-2 day shipping on most items (unless shipping direct from manufacturer which may take longer, but is stated as such) It doesn’t matter if its a crib, a stroller, a bottle of baby shampoo.. No item too big or small, it will ship free. If others are shopping from your registry, they can opt to have it mailed directly to an address you have provided or delivered to themselves. This is particularly nice for out-of-town family that may want to buy a gift for baby but can’t deliver it to you in person. They can even request gift wrapping on many items.
In addition to all of those wonderful features, they provide a “Ship Later” option. Something can be purchased that you won’t need immediately, and shipped to you at a later specified date. Also, a “Thank You Manager” to keep track of who sent or purchased what, and check off when you’ve sent a Thank You note. The “Dollars for Diapers” option allows people to purchase credits that will be added to your account to be used for diapers as you need them! A fabulous feature, which allows you to not over-purchase one size of diaper that baby ends up outgrowing. Just use your credits as needed for the size you need. (They’ll arrive in 1-2 days, after all!) And last but not least is the “10% Registry Completion” perk that allows you to purchase any of your remaining registry items after baby is born at a 10% discount.
Go forth, find your baby gear preferences, enjoy building your registry and start shopping for baby! It’s such a fun process! (Might I recommend adding some Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets.. A Diaper Bag Confessions Favorite!)
If you’ve never shopped at Diapers.com, or their sister sites, before — feel free to take advantage of 20% off your first order: Use code SIMP0570 or click the image below.
use code: SIMP0570
New customers to Diapers.com, YoYo.com or other Quidsi sites only. $20 maximum discount. Subject to change or cancellation.
Note: This post is not sponsored in any way by diapers.com – the opinions I’ve expressed are my own, simply because I love shopping with diapers.com and the registry program they offer.
When I was 14, I met a boy on the Internet. The days of AOL chatting and before online dating even became a thing. This boy, it would turn out, went to my school. He not only went to my school but he knew a lot of my friends. Our paths had crossed several times without aligning. Me, the shy choir girl with an extreme distrust in the male species. Him, the girl crazy band geek. It wasn’t until I sent him a random message via slow dial up Internet “I think I know you..” that we actually communicated.
We spent hours on end sending instant messages back and forth. I would nervously avoid speaking in person like the shy young teenager I was. Eventually we began actually talking, then talking turned to dating. Soon, we were inseparable. As much as we would both try to achieve the opposite. (It was high school after all..) We were like a boomerang.. Always flying right back to one another. Like most cheesy couples, we had a song. Our song was Shania Twain’s “You’re Still the One.” As a young girl in high school, I had no way of knowing that he was actually the one.
7 years ago today, 10 years after we started dating, we jetted off to Las Vegas and I married that boy.
Today is just 1 day of 2,555 days of marriage.. Which is just a fragment of the 6,205 days we’ve been together.. But for the past 7 years and for the rest of our years to come.. This date will stand as a reminder.. No matter what may come, no matter what we endure.. He’s still the one.
I remember a time when I was one of the only people I knew with kids. When I did finally venture out and make “mommy friends,” our kids were all similar ages. Too young to sell anything but slobber.
When THE cookie season would begin, I only knew because I would see them standing outside the grocery store.. Little girls in brown and green, peddling their highly addictive cookies with big smiles on their faces.
One year I was pregnant during this infamous, deliciously calorie rich season. I knew this was a dangerous combination. There were even days that I would make my husband use the cookie finder on their website to figure out which store they would be at on any given Saturday. Still, a box here and there wasn’t too bad.
Eventually we had a friend say “Hey, I know someone with a little girl selling these highly addictive cookies! Let me know what you want, and you can just order from her!” Okay.. I could do this. One girl, place one order, then call it good for the year. Hahaha. Right. I would still occasionally fall victim to the smiles outside the grocery store. My pantry stockpiled full of boxed cookies that would still not last long enough.
This lasted a couple years… and then this year came. Our close friends’ daughter is now selling these diet killing cookie concoctions. If I’m totally honest, she’s my favorite smile-wielding little girl, therefor I thought this would make it easy. Support one little girl in her cookie selling entrepreneurial spirit. So I ordered my stock pile, and that would be it, right?! Wrong.
Turns out, I have multiple friends who all seem to have incredibly adorable little girls, all with those highly persuasive, ear-to-ear smiles.. All wearing the brown and green uniforms. And me, once again, in my ridiculously persuadable pregnant state. I can shield my eyes from the cookie flinging girls at the grocery store.. but from the sweet smiles of our friends’ kids?
What makes it even more catastrophic, though? This year they’ve all taken to social media! Facebook events, Instagram photos , tweets… “Who wants to support my ribbon-clad, wide-eyed, badge-seeking ball of smiles as she tries to meet her goal?” GAH!!! ME!! I DO!!! But wait.. I just bought my annual stockpile. What’s another box or two.. or ten. It’s for the kids.. Right? (Do you think this is an argument I can make to my OB-GYN when I suddenly gain 40 pounds by my next appointment? Probably not.. Darn.)
Let the cookie season in our area begin! And may my willpower be stronger than the gleefully giggling little girls. Not likely, but one can hope.
Happy New Year, everyone!! As we start this new adventure of 2014, things are finally starting to settle down (or at least feel like it..) around our house. I’m 23 weeks pregnant now, and so far things are going better than they were. I’m less restricted, less stressed (For another few weeks, anyway.. Ha!) and looking forward to what this year has to bring.
That happens to include planning our next adventure to Disneyland!! Every 18-24 months, we join our friends and take a child-filled trip to Disneyland. We really enjoy traveling together and our children are best of friends. This makes for a little chaos but a lot of fun! However, it requires a lot of planning, coordinating, compromising and flexibility.
I was thrilled when I found out a friend I met at Disney Social Media Moms: On the Road, Cam Bowman, was writing a book filled with tips and hints all about Disneyland. When she gave me the opportunity to review it for her, I had to jump on it! When she offered a book for me to giveaway to one of you? Even better!!
I’ll tell you all a secret before I start.. My husband snatched the book before I even got a chance to glance at it. He loved it. When he put it down long enough for me to grab, I can see why. There are a lot of books out there about Disneyland. Where to find Hidden Mickey’s, Which ride has the shortest line at certain times of the day, etc.. Cam’s book is different, at least in my opinion. 101 Disneyland Tips is full of ideas you may not have thought of and experiences you may not have heard of.
While my husband’s favorite tips are a little different than mine, We both loved the book. (For instance, he loves the idea of not buying souvenirs at the park.. but rather order them online or getting them at local stores and packing them with you. Money saved.. a man’s favorite thing. Haha) A few of my favorite tips in the book are about making the most of time in the park. If you can cut corners to avoid standing in line as much as possible, that is best, right? For instance, she suggests being flexible with your meal times. Most people will eat lunch between 11:30-1:30, so if you eat a later breakfast you can hit the rides while the masses are enjoying their meals and then hit the restaurants when the crowds have cleared out of them!
In 101 Disneyland Tips you will be captivated by tips on subjects like where to stay, strategies to use in the park, dining options and suggestions, lesser known experiences and so much more that I will let you read for yourselves!! (Did you know you can request a Jungle Cruise Map keepsake?! A souvenir your kids will love that you don’t have to pay for. Brilliant. Clearly a tip both my husband and I enjoy.) I had a lot of fun reading this book and I look forward to implementing so many of Cam’s tips into our upcoming vacation to hopefully make it a little different for us and even more memorable for our kids.
I am so pleased to give one of you a chance to win a copy of Cam’s book, 101 Disneyland Tips. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I (and my husband..) did! What sort of tips are you most hoping to learn from this book? Are any of you planning a Disney vacation soon? For a chance to win, please complete the Rafflecopter form below.
Disclaimer: This book was provided to me for review by Cam Bowman. The opinions expressed are my own and I was not compensated for my opinions.
My kids go to a non-traditional private school. They are only in school three days a week, they say the Pledge of Allegiance daily and are expected to complete a remarkable amount of homework on the two days they aren’t in school. Those three features may seem a little strange to some.. But the thing about our school that seems to get the most reaction from people is this: All lunches must be provided from home (that’s right.. No “hot lunch”) and the children are only allowed water to drink. I love this. It reassures me that my children will eat well, even when I’m not around.
One of our lunch box staples for our kids is yogurt. They love yogurt and I love that it’s good for them. When I was selected to be a Stonyfield Farms Yo-Getter (Their ambassador program) I was thrilled about it. Not long after I was selected, they provided me the opportunity to review the new Weelicious cookbook by Catherine McCord. Weelicious Lunches.
Knowing that it’s my job to send a healthy lunch with my child to school, and then provide lunch at home for my kids on the days they are home from school, I was thrilled at the prospect! One of Catherine’s “Pantry staples” is plain (or Greek) yogurt. This was exciting. New ways to implement a lunchbox staple into their lunch, along with new lunch ideas all together.
Right before my cookbook arrived, I was diagnosed with a subchorionic hematoma and put on restrictive rest. No extended periods of standing. This meant no time in the kitchen. However, I spent some time flipping through the cookbook and realized how simple, yet so yummy, her lunch ideas were. Perhaps I could pull this off after all. I waited until some of my restrictions were lifted and set out to find a good lunch idea!
In the Weelicious Lunches cookbook, you’re going to find ideas to fit all your needs. Whether that be a soup, a salad, a snack, perhaps you’re looking for a new sandwich or creative dip idea. She’s got you covered! The book is also filled with helpful tips, and my favorite: a recipe allergen guide.
I was drawn to the Veg-Wee Dip made with plain yogurt. It’s a close competitor to your traditional Ranch dressing, and considering my toddler drinks ranch dressing like no one’s business.. it was a sure hit! Its a great multi-purpose dip. From veggies to sandwiches, it adds a fun spin on lunch box food.
Catherine has given up permission to share a recipe from the book with you, and as good as the dip is, I want to give you a more creative and fun recipe to send your kids off to school with.. and if they’re like my kids, you may want to send some Veg-Wee Dip along for them to dip it in!
Most kids love chicken nuggets. Most parents are frightened by what may be contained within them. That’s why I’ve chosen to share with you Catherine’s “Easy Chicken Nuggets” which are also easy to freeze and enjoy later!
Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 375°F. 2. Place the chicken, mashed potatoes, parsley, garlic powder, onion powder, and salt in a food processor and pulse until smooth and combined. 3. In a shallow bowl or plate, combine the bread crumbs and Parmesan. 4. With moistened hands, roll 1 tablespoon of the chicken mixture between your palms and flatten into “nugget” shape. 5. Gently press the nugget into the bread crumb mixture to coat. 6. Transfer to lightly sprayed or greased cooling rack on a baking sheet lined with foil. 7. Lightly spray the nugget with cooking spray. 8. Bake for 20 minutes, or until crispy outside and cooked throughout. 9. Serve hot with honey mustard, ketchup or Veg-Wee Dip.
Note: If you want the nuggets to be golden brown, place them under the broiler for an additional 2 minutes after cooking.
To Freeze: After step 5, place the chicken nuggets on a sheet tray and freeze for 30 minutes. Transfer to a ziplock bag, label, and freeze for up to 4 months. To bake, do not defrost; just add 3 to 5 minutes to the baking time.
I am so excited to be able to share this cookbook with you and both Stonyfield Farms and Catherine McCord’s dedication to healthy, organic food options your kids are sure to love.
I am also excited to say that Stonyfield Farms and Catherine McCord have graciously given one of you the chance to win a copy of Weelicious Lunches along with a fabulous collection of Stonyfield Farms coupons to get your healthy lunches off to a great start! a Rafflecopter giveaway
Note: I was provided with the Weelicious Lunches Cookbook and Stonyfield Farms coupons for this review. The opinions expressed are my own and I was not paid to write this review.
I don’t typically write emotionally driven blog posts. That’s not really my thing and I hate that people always feel the need to compare their traumatic story to others. No story, no experience, can be compared to another’s. I am sharing this story hesitantly for two reasons. First, I need to talk about it. Keeping my emotions bottled up are stressing me out more than anything. Second, my general audience here is women in the child-bearing stage of their life. If this story can help one of them, or give them a place to feel like they aren’t alone, then this post is worth it.
Last week my husband and I announced to our friends and family that we are expecting baby #4. Originally, our plan was to wait to tell anyone. I knew that being #4, I wouldn’t be able to hide it for long.. But we were thinking at least until we hit the second trimester.
Those plans were altered two weeks ago when we had a scary episode related to the pregnancy. We awoke from sleep on a Friday night to what we were sure could only be a sign if miscarriage. I was told to spend that weekend in bed. We had to cancel on family events, and do so without a reason as no one knew at that point that we were expecting. That Monday I saw my doctor and a gorgeous beating heart. The relief I felt in that moment cannot even be put into words. I knew then that we should tell people.
Fast forward to this weekend. This time a Thursday evening. We had a repeat of that dreaded weekend two weeks prior. I was thankful that my doctor was the on-call. She has a way of making stressful situations much less stressful, and she genuinely cares about me. I was told to sleep and make an appointment to go in first thing in the morning.
Once again, I feared the worst. My “sleep” turned into staring blankly at the walls.. praying more than I’ve ever prayed. I walked into the clinic and chatted with the receptionist. My doctor was off that day, but had apparently been calling all morning to make sure I got in and all was well.
As soon as the other doctor came in the room, he turned on the ultrasound machine and we immediately saw that reassuring, fast-flickering heartbeat. Then the ultrasound machine randomly shut itself off. The doctor turned to me and said “I can tell you right now, baby is good! So let’s all breathe for a moment.”
He got the machine turned back on and once again focused on the baby. Beautiful heart beat. Little arms and legs waving all over. A completely healthy and closed cervix. All looked good. Then the ton of bricks.
Sitting inside my uterus, above the gestational sac, was a blood clot. (A chorionic/subchorionic hematoma) Not a tiny blood clot, either. We’re talking about something nearly equal in size to the gestational sac itself. The doctor seemed surprised by the size. “Its big. I’ve seen bigger, but this is big!” This black mass is the cause of my frightening episodes and will likely cause more.
To say I’m scared is an understatement. I’ve been put on modified rest. No lifting. No exercise. Nothing strenuous and no standing for extended periods of time. So far this has meant that my children get rule of the house and my poor husband gets ALL household duties in addition to his full-time job.
I thought that by baby #4, pregnancy would be easy. I’d experienced gallstones. I’d had placenta previa. This, however, took me by complete surprise. The fear I have right now has reaffirmed the bond I’ve always had for my babies. Long before they’re born.
I am determined to do everything in my power to eliminate this clot without it effecting my pregnancy. For now, that means I’m spending a lot of time on the couch and filling the air with prayers. Hopefully when we check it again in 2 weeks, things will be progressing in the right direction.
This also means my blog will be taking a back seat to all else. I’ll post when I’m able, but I’m choosing not to fill my life with stressful deadlines right now. I hope that you understand. When this is all resolved, I promise you many new, up-and-coming baby products to be featured! I’m going need to start baby shopping soon!
Thank you for your thoughts and your understanding.
My older boys are constantly asking when I’ll get to review “big kid” products for the blog. Most of my reviews are aimed at babies or toddlers. So when i got the opportunity to review Lionsgate’s Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure, I knew they would be excited! (I was right!)
Family movie night is a regular occurrence in our house. We enjoy choosing a movie, ordering pizza and having relaxing time as a family. A way of connecting together without arguing or fighting over toys. The movie arrived on our doorstep after a stressful week, so it was the perfect way to wind down.
Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure returns us to the story of Kate and Humphrey, the wolves from the original Alpha and Omega movie. Their family has grown to include 3 adorable wolf pups (Stinky, Runt and Claudette) and they are about to celebrate their first winter holidays as a family. While preparing for the holiday celebrations, one of their pups (Runt) disappears. The family embarks on a fun, action-filled adventure in hopes of reuniting together for their celebrations. After some twists and turns, Kate and Humphrey come to realize what matters most: “Home is where the family is.”
My kids LOVED this movie. They tend to love all holiday themed movies, and especially loved that we allowed them to watch a Christmas movie prior to Halloween, but even besides that, the movie captivated them. Even my two-year-old sat and watched. If you know my toddler, you know that is an amazing success. When the movie was over, my four-year-old was already asking to watch it again! In fact, he has watched it every day for the last 3 days!
If you enjoy holiday movies and have kids, I highly recommend getting Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure. I hope your family enjoys it as much as mine did!
Alpha and Omega 2: A Howl-iday Adventure is available exclusively at Walmart locations nationwide for the suggested retail price of $19.98 (DVD) and $24.99 (Blu-Ray). You can find coupons here:
Disclaimer: This movie was provided to me by Lionsgate and Entertainment New Media Network. I was not paid for this review and the opinions expressed are my own.
I have never been a vitamin person. I’m pretty sure I was done being a “Flintstone Kid” before I was 8. Sure, they contain things to help us grow big and strong and stay healthy.. It just wasn’t my thing. Then I got pregnant with my first son.
If you’ve ever had a baby (which.. reading this blog I’m sure many of you have..) you know that from day one they tell you “Make sure you take a prenatal vitamin!” and if you’ve been trying to get pregnant, they probably instructed you to start prior to achieving pregnancy. My pregnancy was no different. So, off to the store I went. Hesitantly, but always willing to do the best for my baby. What I came home with was a giant vitamin pill that tasted awful and I could barely swallow. I choked them down as often as I could.. but sadly, it definitely wasn’t every day.. Most days, but not all.
The moment I was done breastfeeding my son, I stopped choking down the giant vitamin. Want to know what happened? I got sick. Colds. Flu. I hadn’t been sick throughout that entire pregnancy or infancy. I went back to the giant prenatal vitamin only to see my immune system functional again!! I never stopped taking it from that point on. Pregnant, breastfeeding or not!
Sure, I still wasn’t perfect about taking them. They still tasted gross and I never did figure out how to swallow it without gagging… But I felt better when taking the vitamins, so I knew it was worth it! Then I got an opportunity that I had to jump at.
PreMama Prenatal Vitamins. All of the amazing benefits of my other pill, in an unflavored powder I could mix into my drink of choice and not have to choke down! WHAT?!?! Yes, please!!!
PreMama has many benefits for women. Especially pregnant and breastfeeding women. Containing one of the highest concentrated levels of vitamin B6 (30mg), a special iron (Ferrochel® ferrous bisglycinate chelate) designed to maximize absorption and minimize unpleasant iron-supplement-side-effects, exceptional levels of folic acid (800 mcg of Quatrefolic® folate), plant based DHA and ALA vitamins (That’s right! It’s vegetarian!) and even vitamin B12 to help promote energy metabolism.
All fabulous things, right? Want to know what is most fabulous? I have been adding them to my morning drinks, be that a mocha, a hot cocoa, tea.. And not once have I tasted it (I got the PreMama Essentials Taste-Free) or had to choke it down. The individual packets make it convenient to take with me if I need to. I can even add it to a bowl of oatmeal if I want!
I have been using PreMama for a few weeks now and have nothing but great things to say about it! I know that I’m getting the vitamins I need and I’m no longer struggling or dreading taking them. I highly recommend PreMama for anyone who is pregnant, breastfeeding, thinking about getting pregnant, could possibly get pregnant, or really.. Any woman of childbearing age that would benefit from a quality multi-vitamin.
Now is your chance! Would you like to try a 30-Day supply of PreMama? They have graciously provided one of you the opportunity to win one!
Go to the PreMama website and tell me, what is one benefit of PreMama you are most interested in?
Note: I received PreMama Essentials from PreMama and BSM Media. I was not paid for my review and my opinions are my own.
If you know me at all, you know that one of the things I am most passionate about when it comes to children and children’s products is safety. That is why, when I was approached by HALO Innovations to spread the word about their HALO Hospital Safer Way to Sleep Initiative, I jumped at the opportunity.
All new parents wish that their baby came with an instruction manual. There are so many things that no one teaches you how to do (correctly…) when they send you home with your new little bundle of bouncing baby. Sure, they tell you that your baby should sleep on their back. They make sure you are prepared with an adequate car seat. These are very important safety precautions.. but until recently one has been overlooked. Most parents do not know how to properly and safely swaddle a baby.
Yes, we see the nurses spin a baby burrito faster than we can blink, but here’s the thing about that baby burrito: When done incorrectly, that large flowing blanket can become a crib hazard. I’m sure you’ve heard of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) which is often linked to unsafe sleep environments. Most of us forego pillows, fluffy blankets, stuffed animals and even crib bumpers in our cribs. We ensure our babies sleep on their backs.. But have you ever thought about the moment that your less than stellar swaddle comes loose?
HALO Innovations is dedicated to helping reduce SIDS and wants to help parents swaddle their babies safely immediately from birth. This is why they created the Safer Way to Sleep Initiative – providing Newborn Swaddle SleepSacks to hospitals in lieu of the large oversized swaddle blankets. On top of reducing the risk of SIDS, the HALO SleepSack Swaddles also are deemed safe by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. Did you know that improper swaddling of a baby can have an effect in their hip development?
I have had my fair share of experience with all sorts of blankets. I’m grateful that I was shown how to properly swaddle a baby, but at the same time.. That half awake middle-of-the-night swaddle job is never quite what it was intended to be. Blankets, like the HALO SleepSack Swaddle, definitely made me feel like I was always getting a secure and safe swaddle on my baby and without as much effort. Even in the middle of the night.
I am inspired by HALO Innovations’ drive to spread the word about safer sleeping. I am also determined to get their blankets into my local hospitals.
Some fabulous facts about the HALO® Safer Way to Sleep Initiative from HALO Innovations:
HALO Innovations SleepSack® Swaddle has become the standard for hospital nurseries and parents alike. In fact, 1,000 hospital nurseries use the HALO SleepSack Swaddle instead of blankets through the HALO Safer Way to Sleep Initiative. That is 1.5 million births getting first-hand, in-hospital experience with the HALO SleepSack Swaddle and safe sleep practices! Leading health organizations agree that modeling proper baby care in the hospital is the single biggest influence on how parents care for their baby at home. HALO Innovations also offers free Safe Sleep Practices kits to childbirth educators to help further the cause of SIDS prevention.
Did any of you give birth at a “HALO” Hospital? (If so, did you know they have a Baby of the Week Contest for babies born in these hospitals?) If your hospital isn’t a “HALO” Hospital, do you wish they were? Do you wish you had more safe sleep education given to you prior to leaving the hospital?
Do me a huge favor. Spread the word about this initiative. September is Baby Safety Month and we owe it to all the little ones out there to promote safe sleep! Also.. Follow HALO Innovations on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Let them know that you support the Safer Way to Sleep Initiative!
As a thank you, HALO Innovations is providing one of you with the chance to win your own HALO SleepSack Swaddle in either a size Newborn or Small.
UPDATE: September is Baby Safety Month; HALO will donate $1 to Safe Sleep Organizations for every new Facebook “like”.
(Note: Leave a blog post comment on this post.. THEN check the box in the Rafflecopter widget!)
** Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by HALO Innovations. I was not compensated and the opinions expressed are my own. HALO Innovations has provided the giveaway.