If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I love to shop. If this is the first time you’ve come to my blog, now you know. Shopping is my pleasure.. Something I’m very good at. (Much to my husband’s dismay..)
When it comes to my children, that is where the bulk of my shopping expertise is put to use. There are a million and one products on the market that all do the same thing.. All at different prices.. All of different quality. Especially for babies.
You must consider a few things when shopping for baby products.
1. Price-point – Are you on a strict budget, or is your budget more flexible?
2. Form or Function – Where does your priority lie? Do you simply want something that does the job, or something you don’t mind being a long-term piece of furniture in your home?
3. High or Low Tech – Are you a gadget lover or do you prefer less complicated gear? Or perhaps you don’t care one way or the other?
4. Brands – Are labels important to you, or do you not care who made it, so long as it works?
Once you’ve answered all of these questions, most shopping comes easy. You’ve figured out which brands are common, which brands are expensive, you can see which products have bells and whistles.. and you can obviously see which products will look like a toy store exploded in your house versus a magazine-esque photo shoot.
Now that you’ve decided on these criteria for yourself and your budget, it’s time to build your registry. Registries are good for more than just telling Baby Shower attendees what you desire. They are a good way for you to keep track of the products you need and want for baby even if purchased on your own. You’ll have a list of what still needs purchased, what has already been purchased and can see in front of you what it all will cost. If you know you will be thrown a baby shower, I would include items of all sizes and a variety of price ranges to easily accommodate your attendees preferences and budgets.
With my oldest, the only registry options were going into a store with the registry scanner and manually scanning each desired item. I thought that was fun at the time and my husband loved the scanner. Since then, I’ve learned. Online registries are so much better! When you create online registries, you have a larger array of items to choose from, you can compare products easier, there is a wider selection of premium brands that often aren’t carried in big box stores, and you can keep track of what is discontinued or out of stock.
My favorite online registry? Diapers.com – I’m on baby number 4 and the first thing I did for him was start my registry. Not for a baby shower per say, (…he is baby number 4..) but as my own shopping list and a place to send people when they ask. Why Diapers.com? First, they have such a wide variety of products, they accommodate nearly all of my very particular tastes of baby gear. Second, once you reach $500 in purchases from your registry, you earn credits. When you’re buying large furniture, car seats and strollers.. The numbers can quickly add up and the credits pay off! Lastly, my favorite part of a Diapers.com registry.. FREE 1-2 day shipping on most items (unless shipping direct from manufacturer which may take longer, but is stated as such) It doesn’t matter if its a crib, a stroller, a bottle of baby shampoo.. No item too big or small, it will ship free. If others are shopping from your registry, they can opt to have it mailed directly to an address you have provided or delivered to themselves. This is particularly nice for out-of-town family that may want to buy a gift for baby but can’t deliver it to you in person. They can even request gift wrapping on many items.
In addition to all of those wonderful features, they provide a “Ship Later” option. Something can be purchased that you won’t need immediately, and shipped to you at a later specified date. Also, a “Thank You Manager” to keep track of who sent or purchased what, and check off when you’ve sent a Thank You note. The “Dollars for Diapers” option allows people to purchase credits that will be added to your account to be used for diapers as you need them! A fabulous feature, which allows you to not over-purchase one size of diaper that baby ends up outgrowing. Just use your credits as needed for the size you need. (They’ll arrive in 1-2 days, after all!) And last but not least is the “10% Registry Completion” perk that allows you to purchase any of your remaining registry items after baby is born at a 10% discount.
Go forth, find your baby gear preferences, enjoy building your registry and start shopping for baby! It’s such a fun process! (Might I recommend adding some Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets.. A Diaper Bag Confessions Favorite!)
If you’ve never shopped at Diapers.com, or their sister sites, before — feel free to take advantage of 20% off your first order: Use code SIMP0570 or click the image below.

Note: This post is not sponsored in any way by diapers.com – the opinions I’ve expressed are my own, simply because I love shopping with diapers.com and the registry program they offer.