Green Kids Meal Time Stonyfield Summer

Simple summer salads with Taylor Farms and Stonyfield

**This post is sponsored by Stonyfield Organic Yogurt and in partnership with Taylor Farms**


It’s finally here! Summer! 

With five kids, Summer is busy and exhausting. It’s also HOT. I can’t tell you how often we start thinking about what to fix for dinner and just so do not want to cook. The idea of turning on the stove to make a healthy meal for the family just seems so daunting – not to mention counter productive to running the air conditioner.

So what do you do? Salad!! A great Summer staple. However, getting most kids to eat a salad may take a little finesse. Enter in our kid friendly Simply Sweet Summer Salad.

We love to keep things simple while also keeping things as wholesome, healthy, and nutritious as we can. Organics are a key part of this. We love the opportunities we have working with Stonyfield and other organic collaborators for this very reason. You will find that this salad stays true to a fast, convenient, simple and super healthy meal.. while tasting almost dessert like!

All you need is:

  • Taylor Farms Power Greens (We loved the Wellness Blend!)
  • Stonyfield Organic Smoothe and Creamy Whole Milk Yogurt – Vanilla (no, really! Vanilla!!)
  • Organic Honey Mustard
  • Diced, cooked chicken
  • Diced cheese of your choice (optional; Mild Cheddar or Gouda work well)
  • Fresh, sliced organic strawberries
  • Fresh, whole, organic seedless red grapes

Start by prepping your ingredients. You can prep as much or as little as you need, depending on what you’re using it for. That’s the nice thing about these particular ingredients. None of them have to be prepped in huge batches. From a small lunch portion to a hearty potluck salad.. you pick how much of what you need and wash and prep accordingly. (You can even dice your chicken and cheese early and just keep them in the fridge, grabbing portions as you need!)

Once your greens, cheese, chicken and fruit is washed, sliced and diced.. it’s time to prep the dressing. Simple is an understatement. Two ingredients. Nothing more. Honey mustard and Vanilla Stonyfield organic whole milk yogurt, blended well with a fork. SO EASY!

  • 3 tablespoons organic honey mustard
  • 1/4 cup Stonyfield Vanilla Whole Milk Yogurt

(Note: for a sweeter dressing, add more honey mustard.. for a tangier, creamier dressing — add more yogurt! Play with it to find the balance you like most!)

Assemble your salad, then drizzle the desired amount of dressing over the top. If packing for a lunch or potluck, I recommend transporting the dressing in a separate container and waiting to drizzle it until just before serving.

Its a bright, fun, incredibly healthy salad that  even your kids will crave, and you won’t break a sweat making. Even on those hot summer days.  BONUS: the dressing makes an excellent dip! If you have a child who isn’t keen on salad, give them the ingredients seperately and let them dip away! (Sometimes being able to play with their food makes it taste better!)


Babies Baby Gear Baby Registry Gifts Meal Time OXO Tot Parenting Review Stonyfield

Adventures in self feeding with OXO and Stonyfield

Our little boy has his variety of developmental delays and one of them has been his ability to self feed. He longs for independence. He wants to do things on his own. It’s something we are working on, but it’s been a process. A slow process.


Recently our friends at Stonyfield and OXO Tot sent us some amazing goodies. Age appropriate products that I was thrilled to put to use to assist him in his self-feeding development. We received a wide variety of products, but I’m going to feature our favorites here. The divided plate with removeable ring, the fork and spoon set, and the roll up bib and spoon set. We also can’t forget our little boy’s favorite meal accessory.. the Stonyfield Kids YoKids Squeeze pouch. Seriously, he would eat one at every meal if I let him!

imageI was so pleased with these OXO for products. Our little guy was actually able to maneuver the utensils and get food from plate to mouth. The deep grooves and the high curved lip of the divided bowl helped him succeed in getting food from plate to fork. The bib? I think I will be stocking up on these bibs. They caught everything his mouth didn’t, and it was sturdy enough that he could assert his independence and stick the fork straight into the pocked and continue eating everything he dropped. (He wastes nothing! I’m pretty sure he’s going to cost me a fortune in food bills when he reaches that teenage stage.) He was eating a deconstructed turkey taco and mandarin oranges, so the fact that he was able to feed himself any of it, let alone the majority of it, made me quite pleased with the products. imageThe OXO Tot products are easy to clean and easy for toddlers to use. Exactly what we needed for a little boy who wants so badly to be independent but is struggling to do so. We will be added many, many more OXO Tot products to our cupboards. The mere fact that, since adding these products to the line up, our little one has grown even more determined to figure out how to use them? Win in my book.


Note: This post was sponsored by Stonyfield and OXO Tot. Products were provided to me for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.

Babies Baby Registry Giveaway High Chair Kids Meal Time Stonyfield Tommee Tippee

Toddlers at the table.. with Stonyfield and Tommee Tippee

Image 2Meal time with a toddler is anything but simple. In our house, it typically involves multiple meal options, yogurt in the hair, a bowl tossed on the floor and a missing spoon. (We’re bound to find them eventually.. right?) With that said, we find dinner to be important family time. Conversing and bonding over food. What could be better?

Thanks to Stonyfield and Tommee Tippee, our dinner time bonding was simplified quite a bit. Sure, we still have to have multiple dining options for our toddler and clearly there will still be yogurt in his hair.. but there were no more interrupted conversations due to a tossed spoon. No more bowls full of pasta dumped on the floor. (Much to our cat’s dismay)

Image 3Tommee Tippee’s line of dining products for toddlers is fabulous. My favorite, and meal time simplifier is definitely their Easi-Mat. A simple mat that fits nicely on our high chair tray… and it keeps the bowl stuck to it. Amazing. It’s even small enough to roll up, throw in the diaper bag and take with us. That’s right.. no more tossed food at restaurants, either! (It’s a mother’s dream!) Pair with that the Easy Scoop Feeding Bowls with Lid and spoon and you’re all set. It comes as a set of 2 bowls and the lid works on both with a compartment for the spoon. The bowls stick perfectly to the mat for home use.. and when on the go, the lid fit tightly and kept my diaper bag protected… and the spoon compartment kept the spoon nice and clean. This is especially convenient for us since our toddler is on a special diet, so we are often having to bring his own food and snacks with us. (You can fill these bowls with your favorite Stonyfield YoToddler Yogurt and throw it in your diaper bag to take with you and it will actually stay IN the bowl… not all over your bag! WIN!!)

Image 5I am very impressed with the toddler line of Tommee Tippee products. We love them. Our toddler loves them. Even our 3 year old loves them. (He has claimed the spill proof cups as his own… even though he is capable of using normal cups. One less mess for me to clean up, so I shall not argue!) Do you even find yourself thinking that there must be a simpler way to feed a toddler? Especially while you’re hunting down carrots from under a table? Tommee Tippee definitely makes meals less messy. Except for the yogurt.. that will always end up in the hair, but you know what? That’s okay. There’s something really cute (and yummy smelling..) about a little one with a yogurt mohawk.

image 6Thanks to Stonyfield and Tommee Tippee, you have the opportunity to win an amazing toddler feeding prize pack just like the one we received. A set of Tommee Tippee toddler feeding products, and coupons for delicious, healthy and organic Stonyfield YoToddler yogurt. You, too, could enjoy yogurt mohawks and less meal time bowl tossing.

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Note: This post is sponsored by Stonyfield and Tommee Tippee. I was provided products for review and giveaway. The opinions expressed are my own.


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