Our little boy has his variety of developmental delays and one of them has been his ability to self feed. He longs for independence. He wants to do things on his own. It’s something we are working on, but it’s been a process. A slow process.
Recently our friends at Stonyfield and OXO Tot sent us some amazing goodies. Age appropriate products that I was thrilled to put to use to assist him in his self-feeding development. We received a wide variety of products, but I’m going to feature our favorites here. The divided plate with removeable ring, the fork and spoon set, and the roll up bib and spoon set. We also can’t forget our little boy’s favorite meal accessory.. the Stonyfield Kids YoKids Squeeze pouch. Seriously, he would eat one at every meal if I let him!
I was so pleased with these OXO for products. Our little guy was actually able to maneuver the utensils and get food from plate to mouth. The deep grooves and the high curved lip of the divided bowl helped him succeed in getting food from plate to fork. The bib? I think I will be stocking up on these bibs. They caught everything his mouth didn’t, and it was sturdy enough that he could assert his independence and stick the fork straight into the pocked and continue eating everything he dropped. (He wastes nothing! I’m pretty sure he’s going to cost me a fortune in food bills when he reaches that teenage stage.) He was eating a deconstructed turkey taco and mandarin oranges, so the fact that he was able to feed himself any of it, let alone the majority of it, made me quite pleased with the products.
The OXO Tot products are easy to clean and easy for toddlers to use. Exactly what we needed for a little boy who wants so badly to be independent but is struggling to do so. We will be added many, many more OXO Tot products to our cupboards. The mere fact that, since adding these products to the line up, our little one has grown even more determined to figure out how to use them? Win in my book.
Note: This post was sponsored by Stonyfield and OXO Tot. Products were provided to me for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.