I always swore I’d be a “house proof the baby, not baby proof the house” kind of parent. Honestly? This method worked for our first 3 kids. They were respectful of their boundaries and never pushed them. Then along came little boy number 4. Our daredevil, boundary pushing, toddler tornado. If he can climb it, he will. If he can open it, he will. If he can reach it, he’ll try to eat it. He is the reason why I immediately had to run to the store and buy cabinet locks. Why I had to move everything climbable away from our built-ins… And ultimately the reason we had to start looking at gates for our stairs.
There were two issues when it came to looking at stair gates. First, we have banisters. There aren’t a lot of options on the market that will work with a banister staircase. Second, there are so many ugly gates on the market! When gating your stairs, it’s typically in a place that is highly visible to all who come into your home.
I was asked if we would be interested in reviewing The Stair Barrier and, after looking at them, jumped on the opportunity. When it arrived we were definitely impressed by the quality and the style of it.
It was a little involved to mount. We have a wall-to-banister situation, so we had to drill into our wall to anchor the mounts in. Not a huge deal, because once it was done it was insanely secure.
It is a fabric gate, but it has metal supports inside the fabric to prevent any pushing and bending of the gate when it’s secured and securing it is actually very simple. You wrap the webbing around your banister side and then simply clip it in place.
There are a couple design enhancements that would be great.. Like a way to secure it once it’s rolled up and not in use (though, it rolls nicely and doesn’t fall) but that is a little detail that doesn’t effect my opinion of the product. It’s a gate worth having if you have banister staircases!
I am confident it will keep our little daredevil at bay!
Have you ever heard of The Stair Barrier? Do me a favor and go look at their site (https://www.thestairbarrier.com) and come back and tell me which is your favorite design!
Our little boy has his variety of developmental delays and one of them has been his ability to self feed. He longs for independence. He wants to do things on his own. It’s something we are working on, but it’s been a process. A slow process.
Recently our friends at Stonyfield and OXO Tot sent us some amazing goodies. Age appropriate products that I was thrilled to put to use to assist him in his self-feeding development. We received a wide variety of products, but I’m going to feature our favorites here. The divided plate with removeable ring, the fork and spoon set, and the roll up bib and spoon set. We also can’t forget our little boy’s favorite meal accessory.. the Stonyfield Kids YoKids Squeeze pouch. Seriously, he would eat one at every meal if I let him!
I was so pleased with these OXO for products. Our little guy was actually able to maneuver the utensils and get food from plate to mouth. The deep grooves and the high curved lip of the divided bowl helped him succeed in getting food from plate to fork. The bib? I think I will be stocking up on these bibs. They caught everything his mouth didn’t, and it was sturdy enough that he could assert his independence and stick the fork straight into the pocked and continue eating everything he dropped. (He wastes nothing! I’m pretty sure he’s going to cost me a fortune in food bills when he reaches that teenage stage.) He was eating a deconstructed turkey taco and mandarin oranges, so the fact that he was able to feed himself any of it, let alone the majority of it, made me quite pleased with the products. The OXO Tot products are easy to clean and easy for toddlers to use. Exactly what we needed for a little boy who wants so badly to be independent but is struggling to do so. We will be added many, many more OXO Tot products to our cupboards. The mere fact that, since adding these products to the line up, our little one has grown even more determined to figure out how to use them? Win in my book.
Note: This post was sponsored by Stonyfield and OXO Tot. Products were provided to me for this post. All opinions expressed are my own.
As LÍLLÉbrities (LÍLLÉbaby Ambassadors) we have a deep seeded love for LÍLLÉbaby. (Affiliate) They are carriers we trust and believe in. When we found out they were nominated for a Cribsie Award this year, we knew we wanted to help spread the word! As a baby industry super fan, I have followed the Cribsie Awards for many years. It thrills me to see the brands I love nominated!
What isn’t there to love about LÍLLÉbaby? From 6 carry positions, no need for an infant insert, fun print variety (including Tokidoki!) and multiple fabric options for optimum versatility. From a 7 pound Newborn to a 45 pound toddler, the LÍLLÉbaby Complete has you covered!
We’re on a mission to help LÍLLÉbaby win a Cribsie this year. This obviously means we want to give you a chance to win a LÍLLÉbaby of your own, and other fun accessories to go with it! (Custom Accessories from RockerByeBaby and Jamberry Nail Wraps) All you have to do is VOTE and enter below!
If you win, which LÍLLÉbaby (Affiliate) style and color/print will you choose? Tell me in the comments. Enter to win below! Open to US and Canadian Residents 18 years of age and older.
**Thanks to Lillebaby, RockerByeBaby and Jamberry at Midnight for sponsoring this giveaway. I was not compensated for this post and all opinions expressed are my own. This post does contain affiliate links.**
There is one very common question I get all of the time when people see me babywearing. “How does ____ carrier compare to ____ carrier.” While my default answer tends to be something close to “how do apples compare to chocolate?” — I do actually understand that people want to attempt to figure out which will work best for them and their baby by means of a carrier lineup. Since most people don’t own close to every major carrier on the market, I’ll be happy to give you an honest breakdown of how these 4 particular carriers stack up and how they work for us. My point of view is somewhat unique, as I have to accommodate a below average (okay… he’s below below average..) size baby who is obviously not a newborn. I also have to accommodate my toddler.
The 4 soft structured carriers (SSC’s) I get asked about most often are the LÍLLÉbaby Complete, Ergo 360, Beco Gemini and the Beco Soleil. 3 of the 4 will allow for ergonomic outward facing, which is a very popular feature right now.
We’ll start with the Lillebaby Complete: The name is very fitting for this carrier. I truly feel like it is a *complete* package. Boasting a weight limit of 7-45 pounds, this carrier will last a very long time, especially when you have smaller sized kids. A panel that narrows accommodates most newborns to be legs out from the beginning without ever needing an insert. You can also do a fetal carry with a wide seat and a rolled blanket if you or baby are uncomfortable in a legs out position. The narrow seat also accommodates outward facing carries up to the 45 pound weight limit, though I don’t know that I would recommend carrying a 45 pound child in an outward facing carry. Along with the nice weight limit comes a feature to help you bare that load comfortably. A feature I have yet to see on another carrier. The lumbar support. This pad sits nicely in the small of your back and helps to displace the weight that the carrier belt puts on your spine. (It also makes an amazing muffintop reducer when used with back carries! The #lillegirdle, if you will..) The Lillebaby Complete has 6 carry positions – A wide base fetal carry, narrow base outward facing carry, a narrow base inward facing carry, a wide base inward facing carry, a back carry, and a hip carry. (The Lillebaby also allows you to cross the straps in any front or back carry) It also comes in 4 fabric options and several colors for versatility. The Complete Original (a soft brushed cotton canvas), the Complete Organic (a buttery smooth organic cotton), The Airflow (a soft, layered mesh panel for optimal ventilation and breathability.. This carrier has a standard canvas belt and straps), and then the Complete All Seasons (Essentially the ideal combination of the Complete Original and Complete Airflow. Cotton canvas with a zip down center panel revealing the airflow mesh underneath for ventilation) For my small baby, the narrow seat option on this carrier is a sanity saver. At a year old but the size of a 4 month old, he has no interest in being stuck in an insert or on a rolled blanket. (Also, let’s be real, no parent wants to have to stick their kid in an oven mitt of an insert then strap that little heater to their chest!) He’s also a very curious little toddler who loves to see the world around him, so outward facing is a huge hit! The adjustable head/neck support is cushioned and very comfortable and attach with elastic to provide maneuverability. For my older son, this head support allows the panel of the carrier to become taller supporting more of his back. This carrier also has a removable hood and two-way adjustability on the arm straps.
Next we’ll discuss the Beco Soleil. A well made cotton canvas structure with a nice wide panel with a high back. This carrier is very nice for bigger babies. The Soleil has a weight limit of 7-45 pounds and offers a PFA (perfect fit adjuster) strap adjustment on the shoulder straps. This carrier has a nice cushioned neck support and cushioned leg openings for a comfortable ride. The Soleil provides 3 carry positions – front, back and hip – as well as the ability to cross the straps on back. As my baby got older but not bigger, this carrier is not as ideal for us, as it does require an insert for babies that don’t fit in the wide seat yet.. And at over a year old, he does NOT want to be in an insert, but is still much too small for the wide panel. It is very comfortable for our toddler, however and the PFA’s make adjusting the panel between kids of varying sizes quite convenient. The lap belt is very comfortable for front carries, but I find it a little narrow for back carrying, especially because we mostly use this carrier for our 27 pound toddler. The lap belt does adjust from both directions which is nice for the multi-tasking mama who only has one hand available! The only feature I wish the buckles for the belt had is a safety elastic enclosure to secure to buckle clip through. The Beco Soleil also has a removable hood and comes in a wide variety of colorful prints to choose from, but only one fabric option. It’s very clean looking and easy to use.
Now on to the Ergo 360. Truth be told, I was very hopeful to have success with this carrier. My very first carrier was an Ergo and I loved it’s low maintenance wearability. With my small baby/insert issue, I was thrilled to hear Ergo had made a narrow based carrier with the ability to outward face, as well. With a weight limit of 7-33 pounds, I anticipated a carrier capable of nicely accommodating a smaller child — but still able to accommodate my toddler. I quickly realized that my baby was still not big enough and would still require the infant insert in the 360 to get a good fit for his legs. (A narrow base carrier that still requires an insert?!) Oddly enough, Even though his legs didn’t fit quite right, I found the structured seat aspect a little snug on his bum – pretty sure if he gained 5 pounds, his little booty would be suction-cupped into it. (Though, I guess he would be secure!) Our toddler is well within the weight limits of this carrier, but I am unable to get a proper seat for him in it. It may be partially because the seat often collapsed back somewhere between wide and narrow while wearing it, and the fact that the structured seat just wasn’t quite a good fit for his bum. The Ergo 360 has 4 carry positions (inward facing front carry, outward facing front carry, hip carry, and back carry). The fabric is a very nice quality, true to Ergo’s traditional carrier material. Quite sturdy, work-horse material! It comes in limited colors, but they are nice color options. The adjustable neck support was nice and padded, attaching to the structure with buttons.. and the straps were quite cushioned. It also has a stowable hood, which stows really well. The waist belt was definitely lacking, though. You secure it with Velcro first, which I had a hard time attaching tight enough. I even asked my husband to help and we, together, still couldn’t get it to give a good, sturdy feel to the belt. Then, once the velcro is attached, you hook a thin webbing buckle strap around it. The webbing is clearly there for extra security, but seemed like an after thought. The velcro was incredibly loud to remove and startled my baby. Thankfully he wasn’t sleeping. The waist panel is over all very flexible and floppy and not structured.. it bent easily while wearing. Though, this may be due to the fact that with the velcro, I was unable to get it as tight and fitted as I need to create a good stable carry.
Finally, the Beco Gemini joins the party! A close sibling to its Soleil counterpart, the Gemini gives the fun prints and comfortable fabrics of Beco a more versatile structure. This carrier has a weight limit of 7-35 pounds and does not require an infant insert. An adjustable width base allows for smaller babies to fit comfortably before the widest seat fits, as well as allowing for ergonomic outward facing carries. The Gemini has 4 carry positions, inward facing, outward facing, hip and back carries. It also allows you to cross the straps on your back and has the dual side waist belt adjusters, just like those on the Soleil. The bulk of the shoulder strap is padded and very comfortable, but the part closest to the panel had no padding at all and feels, well, odd. The panel is a soft cotton canvas and very plush/padded. Moreso than any of the other carriers. I felt like baby was sitting inside a plush pillow.. So nice! (It definitely restricted ventilation, though. Baby gets quite sweaty in this one) This carrier is very comfortable to use for front carriers, but was awkward feeling when I attempted a back carry with my toddler. The waist belt not only accentuated my muffin top, but split me in half and gave me two! (Less is more.. especially when we’re talking about muffin tops! Haha) Speaking of the belt — The 3-point “safety” buckle makes the carrier quite interesting to get off of yourself when front carrying. Also, take caution. I didn’t press the safety release hard enough and the side prongs snapped back and pinched/cut my finger. (While this was probably a user error issue, I’m super paranoid – maybe even scared – of the buckle now.. hahaha. The Soleil has the same buckle enclosure.) The back panel on the Gemini is a bit narrow for a toddler, it does support his legs, but not as well. It is very accommodating of small babies, though. In both the wide and the narrow positions. It’s narrower panel width allows my small baby to fit the wide seat well, long before the wider panel’d carriers. The neck support was substantial and very cushioned. Attaching to the carrier with a buckle clasp. Unfortunately, however, the streamlined simplicity of this carrier means there is no hood. With no hood and the thick fabric, this is definitely not a good hot weather carrier.
So there you have it. A nice break down on these 4 carriers. We use the LÍLLÉbaby most often because of its versatility to be used well for both of our wearable kids. We also keep both Beco’s in rotation – one for each child as each accommodates one of them well – but neither works for both kids. The Ergo 360 is not in rotation. It is simply not practical for us to use for either of our kids.
My biggest suggestion to you is, if you are able, find a local retailer and go try on multiple carriers. See how they fit your kids and your body. Baby carriers really are like jeans.. Some fit well, others won’t work for you, and one is bound to be your perfect match. Also, just like jeans — sometimes you need (okay.. want is a better word..) more than one.
As I’ve mentioned before, we are avid baby and toddler wearers. Especially with the PhiePhieMonster’s muscle fatigue, we do a lot of wearing. Our carriers tend to come around with us most places we go. I was recently asked how I carry them around, while still juggling all of my kids. When I explained that I roll them into a neatly contained ball and then throw them in my diaper bag, or just set them in the seat of the car.. they were surprised. So, I have made a nice little tutorial with photos showing how I do it.
The carriers I use the most are my Líllébaby Soft Structured Carriers (SSC), so that is what I have used to demonstrate this process. It also works with all of my other SSC’s, the only difference being that the Líllébaby carriers have a lumbar support that I leave on the waist belt, with other carriers, you will not have this piece. I hope this helps!
There is one question that constantly swirls when people learn of my love for LÍLLÉbaby carriers. “How does it fit on petite people?”
While I can speak for the petite height aspect (I am 5’4.. and it fits me really well!), I am definitely not in the exceptionally thin realm.. So I decided to test how small the carrier could go. What better way to test this than on a 49″, 56lb, 9-year-old boy?!
That’s right. I adjusted my LÍLLÉbaby All Seasons carrier and attempted to get a good fit on our 9 year old to see if he could wear our 11 month old, 24″, 12.5lb baby. It ended in adorable success! I will show you all just how small this carrier can go!
First: I tightened the waistband as far as it would go, but left a small amount of laxity just in case I needed to adjust a little once it was on him. (I then rolled the rest of the webbed belt up. I can’t stand when its all flopping around!)
Next: I tightened the double adjuster on the straps all the way (note the overlap of the strap padding) and then rolled the extra webbing up as well for a cleaned up look.
Once that was done, I took the carrier to him and strapped it around his waist. Notice the tight fit? I did have to let the belt out a tiny bit, but not much. Note the rolled webbing. (Also: please take noticed that I did not use the lumbar support for him.. the thicker section of the waist panel covered enough of his back that it added the support itself.)
Once I had the waist fitted nicely to him, I set the baby in the seat and attached the straps across his back one at a time. I did not need to loosen them any.
This is what the buckled straps look like. The rolled extra webbing isn’t overly obvious and he said he couldn’t even feel it.
The completed back straps and buckle.
Fully straight with baby in. High and knee to knee.
Lots of snuggles (and brotherly nose picking..) resulted from this. It is possible and if my overly dramatic 9 year old says its comfortable.. I’m going to guess it must be fairly comfortable!
So.. there you have it! Littles wearing littles!! Let me know if you have questions. Myself, or any of my LILLEwearing friends, can attempt to answer them and troubleshoot fitting issues!
(I have also made a helpful diagram. Feel free to save it or pin it!)
If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I love to shop. If this is the first time you’ve come to my blog, now you know. Shopping is my pleasure.. Something I’m very good at. (Much to my husband’s dismay..)
When it comes to my children, that is where the bulk of my shopping expertise is put to use. There are a million and one products on the market that all do the same thing.. All at different prices.. All of different quality. Especially for babies.
You must consider a few things when shopping for baby products.
1. Price-point – Are you on a strict budget, or is your budget more flexible?
2. Form or Function – Where does your priority lie? Do you simply want something that does the job, or something you don’t mind being a long-term piece of furniture in your home?
3. High or Low Tech – Are you a gadget lover or do you prefer less complicated gear? Or perhaps you don’t care one way or the other?
4. Brands – Are labels important to you, or do you not care who made it, so long as it works?
Once you’ve answered all of these questions, most shopping comes easy. You’ve figured out which brands are common, which brands are expensive, you can see which products have bells and whistles.. and you can obviously see which products will look like a toy store exploded in your house versus a magazine-esque photo shoot.
Now that you’ve decided on these criteria for yourself and your budget, it’s time to build your registry. Registries are good for more than just telling Baby Shower attendees what you desire. They are a good way for you to keep track of the products you need and want for baby even if purchased on your own. You’ll have a list of what still needs purchased, what has already been purchased and can see in front of you what it all will cost. If you know you will be thrown a baby shower, I would include items of all sizes and a variety of price ranges to easily accommodate your attendees preferences and budgets.
With my oldest, the only registry options were going into a store with the registry scanner and manually scanning each desired item. I thought that was fun at the time and my husband loved the scanner. Since then, I’ve learned. Online registries are so much better! When you create online registries, you have a larger array of items to choose from, you can compare products easier, there is a wider selection of premium brands that often aren’t carried in big box stores, and you can keep track of what is discontinued or out of stock.
My favorite online registry? Diapers.com – I’m on baby number 4 and the first thing I did for him was start my registry. Not for a baby shower per say, (…he is baby number 4..) but as my own shopping list and a place to send people when they ask. Why Diapers.com? First, they have such a wide variety of products, they accommodate nearly all of my very particular tastes of baby gear. Second, once you reach $500 in purchases from your registry, you earn credits. When you’re buying large furniture, car seats and strollers.. The numbers can quickly add up and the credits pay off! Lastly, my favorite part of a Diapers.com registry.. FREE 1-2 day shipping on most items (unless shipping direct from manufacturer which may take longer, but is stated as such) It doesn’t matter if its a crib, a stroller, a bottle of baby shampoo.. No item too big or small, it will ship free. If others are shopping from your registry, they can opt to have it mailed directly to an address you have provided or delivered to themselves. This is particularly nice for out-of-town family that may want to buy a gift for baby but can’t deliver it to you in person. They can even request gift wrapping on many items.
In addition to all of those wonderful features, they provide a “Ship Later” option. Something can be purchased that you won’t need immediately, and shipped to you at a later specified date. Also, a “Thank You Manager” to keep track of who sent or purchased what, and check off when you’ve sent a Thank You note. The “Dollars for Diapers” option allows people to purchase credits that will be added to your account to be used for diapers as you need them! A fabulous feature, which allows you to not over-purchase one size of diaper that baby ends up outgrowing. Just use your credits as needed for the size you need. (They’ll arrive in 1-2 days, after all!) And last but not least is the “10% Registry Completion” perk that allows you to purchase any of your remaining registry items after baby is born at a 10% discount.
Go forth, find your baby gear preferences, enjoy building your registry and start shopping for baby! It’s such a fun process! (Might I recommend adding some Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets.. A Diaper Bag Confessions Favorite!)
If you’ve never shopped at Diapers.com, or their sister sites, before — feel free to take advantage of 20% off your first order: Use code SIMP0570 or click the image below.
use code: SIMP0570
New customers to Diapers.com, YoYo.com or other Quidsi sites only. $20 maximum discount. Subject to change or cancellation.
Note: This post is not sponsored in any way by diapers.com – the opinions I’ve expressed are my own, simply because I love shopping with diapers.com and the registry program they offer.
Have you ever driven down the road and seen a car that immediately caught your eye? A very expensive, very powerful car that grabbed your attention immediately as it passed you? Like a Maserati or Viper. (Or the giant truck in the picture? Ha!) Have you ever seen a car that was so out of the box that you couldn’t help but stare at it? (Like my husband when the Matte Black Mercedes parked next to us at a gas station..) That’s how I feel about a particular brand of stroller right now. It’s like a Tesla.. it’s so impressive and so desirable. There are enough of them out there that you recognize it when you see it… and yet it’s not quite attainable to most people. Of course, I am talking about Bugaboo.
Bugaboo strollers have always been a hot item on my wish list. I know, I know.. what premium stroller isn’t on my wish list? But lately, Bugaboo has given me more and more reasons to rekindle my desire. The fire was reignited when they announced the Bugaboo Donkey. A double Bugaboo? That can then switch to a single stroller with an added on storage compartment? Genius. Combine with that the sleek design over all and you’ve hit double stroller jackpot.
Then came the announcement of the Buffalo. A multi-terrain Bugaboo? One I could take to the beach or on a hike.. but would equally fit in at the mall or my favorite baby boutique? Amazing.
Of course, there was the announced Andy Warhol collaboration. Gorgeous Bugaboo’s used as the canvas to display modern art. The moment I saw the “Flowers” design, I was hooked. Imagine that on their all black special edition frame? Gorgeous. Next.. the appropriate-for-this-post Viktor&Rolf for Bugaboo “My first car” – I didn’t think they could make me want one of their strollers any more than those did, honestly. Naturally.. they had to prove me wrong.
Bugaboo just announced another collaboration. One that, as an Oregonian, made me gasp and swoon. Bugaboo has taken their fabulous strollers and combined them with the Native styles and fabrics of Pendleton Woolen Mills. I understand that some are thinking “What?!? Wool ?Tribal? Bugaboo?” — I am in love, though. I wouldn’t have thought a designer brand could pull it off, but they did – and they are gorgeous.
I’m sure my husband is wishing that Bugaboo would stop.. or perhaps that my standards were lower. Haha. For now, he just has to deal with listening to me swoon over them.. and hope that one day he suprises me by having one arrive at my doorstep!
See.. even Nordstrom knows how much I love it.. This was in my FB feed. Haha!!
What do you think of these strollers? Which Bugaboo can you see yourself driving around the local playground?
** This is NOT a sponsored post. I just happen to be in love with all that Bugaboo has going on right now.
I love premium products. As I said in my “About” section, I really do believe that for many children’s products, you get what you pay for. However, sometimes the pricey items are not in your budget, but they are something you love or the style you want. The good news is – there are honestly quality solutions for all budgets. Sure, it may not be the item you wanted.. but it will look and often function quite similarly. Sometimes they are even made by the same companies.
For instance, the Nook Pebble crib mattress. It’s gorgeous and innovative. It’s free of harsh chemicals, not to mention soft and comfortable.. (Yet still safe and secure for baby!) Their bright colors and fabulous features come at a steep price point, though. ($395) Many people scoff. However, Nook Sleep Systems designed a crib mattress with most of the same features (Some of the limitations include only being 1-sided and white being the only color option..) but roughly half the of price.. ($195) The CloudSleeper is available only at Target.com. It’s still slightly more expensive than your typical plastic covered, hard-as-a-rock crib mattress.. but again, you get what you pay for and the price difference between the CloudSleeper and a traditional crib mattress is minimal.
Another brand with options in multiple price market’s is Britax. Their infant car seat, the Chaperone, is well loved and envied by many.. though some couldn’t (or didn’t want to) spend that much on an infant car seat. ($229.99) So, Britax released a second infant car seat with a lower price point, the B-Safe seat. Same Britax safety, same Britax styles.. slightly more affordable. ($179) They even make that specific car seat in BOB Stroller fabrics. ($199.99) Very nice.
Then we venture to other brands that don’t have multiple price tiers for their gear… for those items, you can often find other brands who make very similar products within a more affordable price range. As I’ve stated multiple times, I am in love with the Stokke Tripp Trapp. It’s highly functional, has multiple uses and grows with your child. In my opinion, it’s fairly priced.. ($249.99) but I understand that fair does not always mean affordable. There are a few other high chairs on the market with close to the same style and the same “grow with you” idea. The Keekaroo Height Right ($189.95) is a similar idea with a slightly more affordable price. The Badger Basket Embassy Wood high chair with tray is another one at a significantly lower price than both of the above. ($139.99) Again, fairly similar.. Personally, I would still go with the established quality of the Stokke Tripp Trapp.. but if you want the look on a budget, these are some options.
Cribs are another vastly priced market. The modern style is super trendy right now, but the price tags on many of them make even me cringe. Take for instance the Oeuf Sparrow. Gorgeous. Modern. Would work in just about any nursery. The price, however, wouldn’t work in most of budgets. ($760) For a similar look for about half the price, you can find the Babyletto Hudson 3-in-1. ($379)
The process even works in reverse.. Lets take bouncy seats. We all know of the crazy selection of decently priced bouncy seats. In the basic market, my favorite is the Graco Simple Snuggles Bouncer ($54.99) — but what if you want something nicer? You may be more interested in the Chicco I-Feel Rocker. ($99.99) Still not enough? Perhaps you are more drawn in by the Baby Bjorn Baby Sitter Balance. ($199.99) Close.. but perhaps not modern enough? There’s still a bouncer for you. The Bloom Coco Plexistyle is the perfect posh accent. ($350)
If you have a style in mind or find a product that you absolutely adore but can’t necessarily afford, do some research. There may be something very similar but at a more wallet friendly price. If there is a product you desire, but want something a little more premium… there are options for you as well. Research is critical — You never know what you may find!!
Is there a premium baby product out there that you wish you could find a cheaper version of? Which one? Are there premium products out there that you would never buy a cheaper version of?
A while back I asked a bunch of my friends a question. What baby items did you spend the most time researching? The responses were different for the most part.. but one thing was consistent. Not a single person said high chair. As a gear addict, there are so many high chairs on the market and some of them are quite swoon worthy. (Stokke Tripp Trapp? Bloom Fresco Chrome? Boon Flair??) Naturally I would have to weigh the pros and cons and research my little heart out before I would buy one. Apparently though, that is just me. (If you are curious.. the above high chair is the Graco Blossom 4-in-1)
So I followed up… “I noticed no one said high chair.. did you not research your high chair? Was the high chair not an important purchase?” Again, surprising to me.. most answered no. They either bought whatever was cheapest, whatever was the most familiar brand, or whatever matched their gear set.
I am shocked. Really? The high chair is the start to your child’s independence. It’s likely where they will take their first bite of food. They will exercise their pincer grasp there. It is even where they will inevitable learn cause and effect from repeatedly tossing their green beans to the floor and giggling with delight. So why does it sit so low on the priority list? Especially when so many people buy one they end up hating.
I am so intrigued. By now most of you know I’m a researcher. It doesn’t matter what piece of baby gear it is I’m buying.. I’m going to find the best piece that fits my criteria and my lifestyle. I understand not all are like me, but some people research their exersaucer more than their high chair.. and I’m so very curious as to why.
So here is my question to you.. Where did your high chair fall on your list of priorities when shopping for baby and why? What piece did you invest the most time (and possibly money..) on? Why? Finally.. if money wasn’t an issue.. is there a baby product you were splurge on? (Like the gorgeous Andy Warhol Bugaboo, perhaps?)